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MS Access Unbound Forms and VBA

Creating Unbound Forms and using VBA code behind forms.

This article will demonstrate how to create unbound forms in MS Access, both Single Form and Continuous Forms. The main goal is to provide a means of allowing users to view data without modifying it. Binding the data to the form allows users to modify or delete data from fields. Binding data also presents a locking issue when working with linked tables in SQL Server and multiple users are using copies of the Access Database front end to access the linked data.

The Single Form will use 2 methods: 1 where the form is truly not bound to the recordset or table and 1 where the form is bound to a temp table of key values from the original table\recordset to enhance navigation with unbound text boxes.

The Continuous Form will use a method where it is "unbound" to the originating table by creating a temp table and binding to the recordset and control sources at runtime. (Not truly "unbound", but as close as one can get in Access).

Creating an MS Access Unbound Single Form

Create the SQL Server table to use in SSMS and INSERT some data from a view or other table.

create table Sales.Employees
(id int not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered,
 EmployeeID int not null,
 EmployeeName varchar(255) null,
 AddressLine1 varchar(255) null,
 AddressLine2 varchar(255) null,
 DeptName varchar(255) null )

INSERT INTO Sales.Employees
 SELECT EmployeeID, EmployeeName, AddressLine1 +
 Case when addressLine2 IS not null THEN ' ' + AddressLine2 ELSE '' END,
 City + ', ' + StateProvinceCode + ' ' + PostalCode, DeptName
 FROM dbo.vw_employees

Sales_Employees Table

Creating an Unbound Single Form

Click on the Create tab and select Form Design.


Create an Unbound form by dragging and dropping text boxes onto the new form in Form Design view. Name the boxes for the fields in the newly created SQL table, Sales.Employees.
Add a ComboBox (also unbound) to the form.

Unbound Form

Set the RowSource of the ComboBox to:

SELECT [Sales_Employees].[id], [Sales_Employees].[EmployeeID],
[Sales_Employees].[EmployeeName] FROM Sales_Employees ORDER BY [id];

Create the code

Option Compare Database
 Dim db As DAO.Database
 Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Public Sub getRecords()
 Dim sSQL As String
 sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Sales_Employees WHERE ID = " & cboEmployee.Value
 Set db = CurrentDb
 Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

 Me.ID = rs.Fields("ID").Value
 Me.EmployeeID = rs.Fields("EmployeeID").Value
 Me.EmployeeName = rs.Fields("EmployeeName").Value
 Me.Address1 = rs.Fields("AddressLine1").Value
 Me.Address2 = rs.Fields("AddressLine2").Value
 Me.DeptName = rs.Fields("DeptName").Value

 Set rs = Nothing
 Set db = Nothing

End Sub

Set the code of the ComboBox AfterUpdate Event (double click in the box in the Properties of the ComboBox Control) with the subprocedure getRecords.

Private Sub cboEmployee_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Test the form in Form View mode by clicking on the ComboBox and seeing that the record information is displayed in the TextBoxes.

Completed Unbound Form

Creating a Single Form Unbound from the original Recordset

If you want to view the data using a Next or Previous button in the unbound form, you cannot. If the form is partially bound to a different datasource that is dynamically created from parts (ID, EmployeeID) of the original datasource (Sales_Employees) most of the TextBoxes on the form can remain unbound.

Create a local table for Access for the EmployeeID and ID fields from the original datasource.Temp Table

Create an Append query in Access to append the fields from the original datasource to the newly created table.

Append Query

In the Form, add 4 command buttons to MoveFirst, MovePrevious, MoveNext and MoveLast.

Form View

Create the code to dynamically delete and then create the local Access table with the EmployeeID information (A DoCmd.RunSQL statement and calling the Append query). Add code to retrieve the records from the SQL datasource into the TextBoxes based on the value of the EmployeeID in the local Access table (populated and set in the FormLoad event).

Option Compare Database
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()
'turn off warnings and delete then append local table SalesEmpsTemp
 DoCmd.SetWarnings False
 DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM SalesEmpsTemp"
 DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppendSalesEmps", acViewNormal

 DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'set the recordsource and controlsource for the ID and EmployeeID textboxes
 Me.RecordSource = "Select * from SalesEmpsTemp"
 ID.ControlSource = "ID"
 EmployeeID.ControlSource = "EmployeeID"

'retrieve the records
End Sub

Public Sub getRecords()
'set DAO recordset to SQL datasource and populate the TextBoxes on the form
 Dim sSQL As String

 sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Sales_Employees WHERE EmployeeID = " & Me.EmployeeID
 Set db = CurrentDb
 Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

 Me.EmployeeName = rs.Fields("EmployeeName").Value
 Me.Address1 = rs.Fields("AddressLine1").Value
 Me.Address2 = rs.Fields("AddressLine2").Value
 Me.DeptName = rs.Fields("DeptName").Value

 Set rs = Nothing
 Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub cboEmployee_AfterUpdate()
'make the EmployeeID and ID advance to the value in the ComboBox and retrieve the recordset
 DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, Me.cboEmployee.Value
End Sub

Create the code for the First, Previous, Next and Last buttons

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
 On Error GoTo Err_cmdNext_Click

 DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
 Me.cboEmployee.Value = Me.ID

 Exit Sub

 MsgBox Err.Description
 Resume Exit_cmdNext_Click
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
 On Error GoTo Err_cmdLast_Click
 DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
 Me.cboEmployee.Value = Me.ID

 Exit Sub

 MsgBox Err.Description
 Resume Exit_cmdLast_Click
End Sub

Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
 On Error GoTo Err_cmdFirst_Click
 DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
 Me.cboEmployee.Value = Me.ID

 Exit Sub

 MsgBox Err.Description
 Resume Exit_cmdFirst_Click
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrevious_Click()
 On Error GoTo Err_cmdPrevious_Click
 DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
 Me.cboEmployee.Value = Me.ID

 Exit Sub

 MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Completed Form

Creating a Continuous Form Unbound from the Original Recordset

The Continuous Form in Access cannot be completely Unbound. It can be bound to a local Access table that contains the data (as in the previous example with the SingleForm) so that the user cannot make any changes to the original SQL datasource.

Local Access Table

Create a new Form in FormDesign and add a FormHeader with Labels indicating the field names. Add TextBoxes named for each of the fields (EmployeeID, EmployeeName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2 and DeptName. Add code to dynamically set the controlsource of each item to the fields in the Local Access table.

Cont Form

Option Compare Database
Public Sub getRecords()

'turn off warnings, delete then populate the local access table with the SQL data
 DoCmd.SetWarnings False

 DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM SalesEmpsTempCF"
 DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppendSalesEmpsCF", acViewNormal

 DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'dynamically set the recordsource and controlsource to the Access table.
 Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM SalesEmpsTempCF"
 Me.ID.ControlSource = "ID"
 EmployeeID.ControlSource = "EmployeeID"
 EmployeeName.ControlSource = "EmployeeName"
 Address1.ControlSource = "AddressLine1"
 Address2.ControlSource = "AddressLine2"
 DeptName.ControlSource = "DeptName"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

View the Form in FormView

Continuous Form